Club Constitution
Aldershot Rifle and Pistol Club Constitution
Amended 8th November 2022
Affiliated to the National Small Bore Rifle Association, National Rifle Association, British Sporting Rifle Club, Surrey Small Bore Rifle Association.
- The Club shall be called ALDERSHOT RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB, with headquarters at Bagshot Lea.
- The Club shall be affiliated to the National Smallbore Rifle Association and any other Rifle and Pistol Associations, which may be considered by the Committee.
- The object of the Club is to encourage skill in Rifle and Pistol shooting by providing instruction and practice in the use of firearms for both sport and competition shooting.
- The Ranges will be open for use only at the published times.
- All Club activities shall be conducted in accordance with the Clubs Bye laws and Regulations as published. These Bye laws and Regulations may be revised as necessary by the Committee, subject to notification at the next Annual General Meeting.
- The Club shall be managed by a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee of six (four to form a quorum which shall include two officers of the club and two committee members) who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in each year. Other Officers or committee members who may be co opted from time to time to be ex officio members of the Committee. Vacancies in the Committee or Officers occurring during the year may be filled by the Committee. All who wish to be elected as a Officer or committee member must have served a minimum of three years as a full member of Aldershot Rifle and Pistol Club, have a knowledge and understanding of the club and the disciplines shot within the club and must have nominated Aldershot Rifle and Pistol Club as their primary club.
- Application for Membership shall be made to the Secretary, an Officer or Member of the Committee. Such applications shall be considered at the first meeting of the Committee following completion of the probationary period.
- All new applicants must attend and successfully pass a two-day training course in the rules and regulations of a shooting club, Range Safety and Firearms Handling. On completion of this a 6 (six) month probationary period will be served before an applicant is considered for full membership. If an applicant is a full member of another Club and is in possession of a current Firearms Certificate, the Committee may, at its discretion, reduce the probationary period. Upon payment of the full subscription a Membership Card, Constitution and Club Rules will be issued.
- The Subscription shall be yearly, payable in advance on 1st October in each year. Any member whose subscription is not paid by 31st October is debarred from the privileges of membership and is required to pay the joining fee in order to be reinstated.
- The Committee may remove any Member from the Roll of Members should it be brought to its attention in writing that the Member’s conduct upon the range/s or upon any premises occupied by the Club, or elsewhere, is unsafe, objectionable or calculated to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Any action taken by the Committee will be preceded by a written warning to the Member. Such Member shall be invited to defend his/her actions before the Committee. Any such expulsion shall subsequently be confirmed to the Member in writing.
- The Secretary or any Officer or Member receiving any money on behalf of the Club shall forthwith hand same to the Treasurer.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the end of the preceding year (at least seven days’ notice of such Meeting shall be given to the Members) at which the following business shall be transacted: – Receipt of Annual reports and balance sheet, election of Officers and Committee, appointment of Auditors, revision and amendment of the Constitution (if necessary) and notification of changes to Club Bye laws and Regulations and consideration of any other business.
- The Auditor or Auditors shall examine the accounts at least once annually with the invoices and vouchers prior to the Annual General Meeting, and shall append thereto a Certificate to the effect that such are correct and fairly represent the expenditure and receipts of the Club, and its Assets and Liabilities, and they may at any time inspect any book, document or property of the Club, in the possession of any Officer or Member, and make a report thereon in writing to the Committee.
- The Committee may authorise the payment of accounts and incur any normal liabilities on behalf of the Club. The Committee and Officers are hereby indemnified by the Club against any claim or demand in respect of any liability properly and bona fide incurred on behalf of the Club.
- Upon the requisition in writing, duly setting out the purpose, signed by 12 (twelve) members and delivered to the Secretary, the Committee shall within 14 (fourteen) days convene a Special General Meeting of the Club.
- Any Officer or Member of the Committee may be removed by a majority of two thirds of the Members present at any general Meeting, convened under Paragraphs 12 and 15, and such vote may be taken by ballot.
- The Committee may make Rules in regard to the use of the range and may draw up conditions of all Competitions, arrange Handicapping and Matches.
- Any Rules made by the Committee under Paragraph 18 shall be published by being exhibited on the Club Notice Boards and shall thereafter have full force and effect, but shall be submitted for notification at the next Annual General Meeting.
- The Chairman of the Club and Committee shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.
- The Committee shall have power to legislate upon any point not provided for in this Constitution.
- The Trustees of the Club shall be elected by the Committee and they shall respectively hold office until death or resignation unless removed from office by a resolution of the Committee. The members of the Trustees shall be not more than 4 (four) nor less than 2 (two) and the property of the Club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in them. They shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by resolution of the Committee (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence) and they shall be indemnified against risk and expenses out of the Club property.
- Visiting teams shall be admitted as Guest Members for the day.
- The following categories of Member are recognised: –
(a) Life Member as may be elected at the Committee’s discretion.
(b) Full Member (18 – 66 years of age).
(c) Senior member (67+ years of age).
(d) Junior member (12 – 17 years of age).
(e) Probationary Member.
(f) Guest Member.
i. A person who is a full member of a Home Office Approved Rifle and Muzzle-Loading Pistol Club and who holds a Firearms Certificate and holds firearms falling within the club’s approval.
ii. Family and friends of full members of the club, scouts, guides, schools, Rotary clubs and Women’s Institutes who attend and shoot on nominated guest days. - The club and its members will at all times comply with Home Office Criteria for Approved Rifle and Muzzle-Loading Pistol Clubs.
- The club and its officers will at all times comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018.